viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008

SCIO DESDE EL 2009/ EDUCTOR desde el 2014 en COLOMBIA

Hacen  presencia en la Exponat  y  congresos con una aceptación del sistema muy positivo.

Información Departamento comercial. PATRICIA CANO.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2008

Algunos de los beneficios de SCIO / EDUCTOR son

• El sistema SCIO es usado por muchas profesionales de la salud en todo el mundo en hospitales, clínicas, consultorios, Spas, centros holísticos y centros de alto Rendimiento.
• Es una tecnología terapéutica no invasiva.
• Se obtiene un análisis completo del estado de salud física, emocional, espiritual y del entorno del organismo.
• Su análisis es objetivo sin la intervención del terapeuta.
• Identifica las verdaderas causas de un padecimiento.
• Permite la interacción con el subconsciente de la persona, obteniendo una Información más fidedigna.
• Desde la primera sesión se puede establecer los posibles riesgos de la persona a Padecer ciertos padecimientos.
El sistema SCIO no remplaza la función del terapeuta, sino que la complementa.
SCIO también trabaja con el área de Estética, deportes, estrés, antienvejecimiento y estos son algunos beneficios:

Juventud.Retrasa el efecto biológico del envejecimiento, incrementa la vitalidad. Reducción del estrés
Mediante terapias visuales de micro-frecuencias se regula el estrés, e induce a la persona a un estado de calma y relajación.
Liftings naturales.
Reduce las arrugas y genera una piel fresca y saludable.
Reducción De Peso.
Reducción de celulitis, pérdida de peso de forma saludable y natural.
Conexión Mente-Cuerpo.
Incrementa la coordinación, oxigenación, flexibilidad, concentración y energía vital.
Cuerpo Firme.
Incrementa la musculatura y reduce la grasa corporal.
Conciliación de sueño.
Ayuda a dormir y combate el insomnio.
Actitud positiva & Vitalidad.
Aumenta la actitud positiva y el buen humor.
Anti tabaquismo.
Elimina o reduce el hábito del tabaquismo.
Mayor confianza en sí mismo
Remueve la duda y los patrones mentales destructivos.

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

Componentes PAQUETE SCIO

Precio SCIO con programas en español e ingles:
$ 22.000.00 Dolares. pago de contado incluye.

Pregunte por informacion de pagos,paquetes 6meses o 12 meses...
Productos que Incluye:

Sonda Dental
Rodillo Focalizador
Rodillo Facial
Sondas Oculares
Espiral H2O
Duplicador de Remedios


Diseñado para personas que desean dejar de fumar. La terapia total tiene una duración de 45 minutos. Es un software adicional a los programas de SCIO. Para su funcionamiento es indispensable la interfase SCIO Box.

Rueda de Oraciones

Es un programa basado en los principios cuánticos de las “Ruedas de Oraciones Tibetanas”. También es usado para armonizar el lugar de trabajo y despejar interferencias energéticas constantemente. Funciona de manera independiente al software y la interfase SCIO

Computadora Laptop

Marcas recomendadas: Acer, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Toshiba y Sony.
Especificaciones Mínimas:
Sistema Operativo:
Windows XP Profesional / Windows XP home
1.6 Ghz / 2.0 Ghz
512 MB / 1024 MB
Disco Duro:
60 GB / 80 GB
15.4" pulgadas Resolución de 1280x800 / 1280x1024
Tarjeta de Video:
128 MB preferentemente ATI
Dvd y Cd
* El Sistema SCIO no es compatible con Windows Vista.

Conferencias magistrales
Servicio Técnico ilimitado
La página de Internet contiene diversa información del sistema. El equipo ha diseñado PROTOCOLOS de condiciones particulares que le ayudarán en la práctica del sistema. En caso de que necesite un protocolo que no se encuentre en la página, puede solicitarlo para que se agregue a la base de datos. Se ingresa con un Usuario y Contraseña. Este servicio es de por vida.



SCIO Box conexión con puerto USB. Caja de Interfase
“Cardiotocografo Ambulatorio con Sensor Pasivo, Sistema Electrofisiológico Universal - Modelo SCIO”.
Sistema auxiliar de “Biofeedback” que mide los cambios en voltaje, amperaje y resistencia de un organismo al aplicar micro corrientes eléctricas. Este sistema solo puede ser operado usando la computadora cargada con el software adecuado. SCIO tiene puerto USB. Es un producto importado y distribuido en México únicamente por la empresa Subspace SA de CV.
Registro de la Secretaría de Salud en México: 1009E2005SSA.
Dimensiones: 201x80x175mm.
Peso: 790 grs.


Arnés de cabeza
El electrodo o arnés entra en contacto directo con la piel al ser aplicado alrededor de la cabeza, permitiendo la conducción de
frecuencias a través de sus ocho terminaciones de goma y grafito.
Dimensiones: cable 1 m 75 cm., goma 780x51 mm.
Peso: 200 grs.
Arnés de Extremidades
El electrodo o arnés entra en contacto directo con la piel al ser aplicado alrededor de muñecas y tobillos, permitiendo la conducción
de frecuencias a través de la goma y el grafito.
Dimensiones: cable 2,50 mts., goma 19x370x2 mm.
Peso: 180 grs.

DVD Master 1- Programas de instalación
1. Clasp32
Es el programa estrella del software. Realiza las mediciones, la evaluación de reactividad y contiene las principales terapias.
2. Lexicon
Comprende un diccionario de enfermedades de la “A a la Z”. Se puede dar tratamiento con diferentes disciplinas terapéuticas.
3. Body Viewer
Es un programa interactivo que combina micro-frecuencias permitiendo a la persona visualizar animaciones 3D.
4. Irid
Nos ofrece una extensa gama de terapias y al igual que el Body Viewer su principal función es potencializar y optimizar los
Clasp 32 Lexicon Body Viewer Iridiología
- 72 Programas.
- Más de 250 aplicaciones.
- Matriz con 12,000 sustancias
para análisis y tratamiento
- 12 Disciplinas terapéuticas.
-660 patologías clasificadas.
- 13 programas
- 337 terapias
- 11 programas
- 441 terapias
DVD Master 2 – Soporte, Multimedia & Información
1. Lectures 1.
2. Lectures 2.
3. Lectures 3.
4. Presentation.
5. Programs 1.
6. Programs 2.

CD Conceptos Básicos – Multimedia
SCIO. Conceptos Básicos. Con subtítulos en Español. Por el Profesor William Nelson

Constancia de Capacitación Básica
1. Entrenamiento Básico de 4 días para 1 personas.
Paseje a Mexico DF.
Por La Sociedad Quantum México fue fundada en el año 2007, esta reconocida por la Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social, afiliada
Internacional reconocida por el Profesor William Nelson.
La SQM se encarga del área académica de SCIO en México y certifica a los nuevos usuarios a nivel nacional e internacional en diferentes niveles.

SCIO BÁSICO confirma fechas por Email.

domingo, 15 de junio de 2008


- Desde la comodidad de su hogar usted se comunica por teléfono y Patricia Cano especialista en SCIO describe lo que el sistema detecta y las terapias que se aplican.

Al nacer imprimimos una huella energética única. Así como todas las personas, sin excepción, tenemos nuestro sello Bioquímico único que nos identifica, el cual conocemos por el nombre de ADN, también tenemos nuestro sello Biofísico único, el cual es la energía que conforma nuestro ser. Gracias a nuestro avanzado sistema de Biofeedback, Bioresonancia y TENS, en SCIO Stress Control Center podemos localizar su campo energético sin importar la distancia o su ubicación física.
Nuestro avanzado Sistema de Biofeedback, Bioresonancia y TENS, trabaja a través del sub-espacio localizando la energía de la persona en cuestión, y de esta forma es posible aplicarle nuestras terapias desde la comodidad de su casa o en donde quiera que esta se encuentre. Para las mentes no científicas esto puede sonar misterioso, poco creíble e inexplicable; sin embargo, gracias a la Física Cuántica y a SCIO (nuestro Sistema) es posible todo esto y con resultados palpables y satisfactorios.

Cuando haga su solicitud de sita tenga en cuenta la Hora.
Horario mundial.

formación y pagos de consulta.

Es posible vivir sin estrés, porque al saber de donde viene y como manejarlo, dejas de ser el estrés el que te maneja a ti.
Haz tu cita y compruébalo tu mismo, no esperes que otros te cuenten lo bien que les va.
Te atendemos en cualquier lugar del mundo.Gracias a nuestro avanzado sistema de Biofeedback y Bioresonancia, EDUCTOR/SCIO puede localizar su campo energético sin importar la distancia o su ubicación física.
Pide una cita, 2 horas que pueden cambiar tu vida,
en Bogota: Teléfono: 573164485126

SCIO la mejor inversión para tu bienestar.

Escríbenos te daremos una respuesta inmediata sin ningún compromiso. Nuestro propósito es apoyar y educar en esta nueva ciencia a favor de la Humanidad.

• No somos Doctores.
Somos técnicos del sistema. (practitioners)
• No diagnosticamos.
Analizamos Informes.
• No Hacemos Tratamientos.
Normalizamos desbalances energéticos
• No prescribimos.
Ofrecemos opciones para aliviar condiciones.
• No curamos.
Trabajamos en normalizar condiciones.

EL EDUCCTOR/SCIO es un sistema único para hacer Biofeedback del estrés. Esta diseñado para detectar y reducir estrés. El sistema es calibrado para medir la energías.
Este sistema no fue creado para diagnostico. Solo un técnicos licenciados pueden analizar la información que arroja el sistema generada por el EDUCTOR/SCIO y plantear una condicion del estrés del cliente.
Somos responsable, honesto, ético y amoroso trabajando desde la integridad profesional y personal, dando lo mejor para nuestros clientes, creando así una nueva comunidad integra y saludable, le ofrecemos como apoyo sesiones de coach.
No somos medicos. No diacnosticamos, tratamos o curamos ni prevenimos enfermedades. Nuestro equipo de biofeedbackesta registrado por la FDA. Solo le ensanamos como relajarce y manejar su estres. Somos Tecnicos en EDUCTOR/Scio. No damos ni vendemos ninguna clase de medicameentos.
We are not medical doctors nor veterinarians. By law, we cannot diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Our biofeedback equipment has been registered with the FDA (or appropriate governmental agency). By law, it cannot diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is intended to teach you how to relax and manage your stress. We are biofeedback specialist (or neurotherapists) and we do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We do not dispense any drugs of any kind.
Patricia Cano Practitioner.
Dede Colombia, Mexico, Miami Scio.


Las Sondas de Punto son accesorios de SCIO, permiten que las frecuencias se concentren en un área específica, son de gran utilidad ya
que tienen múltiples aplicaciones. Son hechas de Plata de alta calidad para una óptima conducción.
Sonda Dental
o Infecciones Dentales
o Ulceras de Boca y lengua
o Restauración de dientes
o Gingivitis
o ZAP de Cavidad

Rodillo Focalizador
o Zonas de Dolor
o Lumbalgia
o Celulitis
o Cicatrices
o Alopecia
o Venas varicosas

Rodillo Facial
o Estiramiento facial
o Tono facial general
o Frente, ojos, mejillas, labios, mentón y cuello
o Cicatrices, granos y verrugas
o Líneas de expresión

2 Sondas Oculares
o Sistema Ocular
o Problemas visuales
o Vista cansada
o Músculos oculares

Espiral H2O
o Energetizar agua

Duplicador de Remedios
o Flores de Bach
o Homeopáticos
o Sustancias de la Matriz
o Nutricionales

Crema Plus
o Elastina
o Colágeno
o Hormonas
o Formulas de Antienvejecimiento
o Nutricionales

Multiconector de Sondas
o Permite tener todos los accesorios conectados a la

Paquete Especial
10% Descuento
Incluye estuche para el juego completo

sábado, 14 de junio de 2008

Rectificaciones Energetica de todos los sistemas. SCIO.

Scio Rectifica energeticamente tus Glandulas Endocrinas y Exocrinas.
El sistema endocrino lo conforman una serie de glándulas que secretan diferentes sustancias denominadas hormonas, las cuales excitan el funcionamiento de determinados órganos o de todo el organismo. Estas glándulas pueden ser endocrinas (si vierten directamente en la sangre su secreción), exocrinas (si vierten su secreción al exterior), o ambas cosas al mismo tiempo.

Las glándulas exclusivamente endocrinas tienen una función estimulante, modificando o alterando las actividades celulares, podemos citar las siguientes:
Hipófisis: Suspendida de la base del cráneo, domina y activa el funcionamiento de la mayoría de las glándulas endocrinas.
Tiroides: Situada delante de la tráquea.
Paratiroides: Son cuatro pequeñas glándulas adheridas a la anterior.
Timo: Sólo bien desarrollado en el recién nacido, se transforma en la adolescencia, siendo sustituido por lóbulos de grasa.
Suprarrenales: Situadas debajo de cada riñón.
Páncreas: Fundamental glándula digestiva, tiene además la misión de secretar insulina y glucagón.
Testículos: No son exclusivamente endocrinas ya que además de las hormonas de la masculinidad, secretan también las células espermáticas.
Ovarios: Producen los óvulos y además secreta ciertas hormonas.


Somatotropina: Es la llamada hormona del crecimiento.
Tirotropina: Estimula la actividad del tiroides.
Corticotropina: Estimula la producción de cortisol.
Lutropina: Responsable de estimular los testículos para la producción de testosterona.
Prolactina: Moviliza las grasas para la producción de energía.
Tiroxina: Estimula el metabolismo basal.
Calcitonina y Paratiroidea: Reguladores de los niveles de calcio y fosfato en sangre.
Cortisol y Aldosterona: Hormonas que produce la corteza suprarrenal.
Adrenalina y Noradrenalina.
Insulina y Glucagón: Hormonas secretadas por el páncreas, intervienen en la regulación de los niveles de glucosa en sangre; la insulina hace que baje y el glucagón la aumenta.
Testosterona: Hormona de la masculinidad.
El buen funcionamiento del sistema endocrino garantiza un buen desarrollo de las funciones orgánicas del cuerpo humano, así mismo, las disfunciones endocrinas producen desequilibrios en nuestro organismo que muchas veces acarrean una pérdida importante de la calidad de vida y que terminan generando enfermedades adyacentes.

El sistema digestivo es el conjunto de órganos encargados del proceso de la digestión, es decir la transformación de los alimentos para que puedan ser absorbidos y utilizados por las células del organismo.

Tus Neuronas

a) Las neuronas motoras y las neuronas de proyección b) Las interneuronas se encuentran dentro de regiones localizadas del sistema nervioso central. c) En las neuronas sensoriales, que transmiten impulsos desde los receptores sensoriales situados en los extremos de las ramificaciones de las dendritas. Todas estas neuronas forman conexiones, conocidas como sinapsis, con otras neuronas.
Las neuronas están formadas típicamente por un cuerpo celular, dendritas y un axón. Las señales, en forma de impulsos electroquímicos, pueden ser conducidas rápidamente a grandes distancias por el axón. Las neuronas están rodeadas y sostenidas por células de la neuroglia.

Órganos y sistemas de órganos.

El cuerpo comprende una variedad de células, organizadas en cuatro tipos de tejidos, que son grupos de células que comparten una función similar. En el siguiente nivel de organización, diferentes tipos de tejidos, unidos estructuralmente y coordinados en sus actividades, forman órganos.
Los órganos que trabajan juntos en forma integrada, y desempeñan una función particular, constituyen el siguiente nivel de organización: el de los sistemas de órganos.
Los sistemas de órganos, en conjunto, constituyen un organismo viviente que está en interacción con el ambiente externo. Este incluye, no sólo el ambiente físico, sino también a otros individuos de su misma especie, así como de otras especies.
Bajo este tipo de jerarquía interactiva se halla uno de los principios más profundos de la biología. La estructura y los procesos reguladores de los organismos más complejos son de tal forma que las partes sirven al todo y el todo a las partes.


For homeopathic treatment we offer Anti-Smoking I, a homeopathic containing a low-potency (3x) of nicotine taken from tobacco and lobelia (Indian tobacco). This blend of ingredients, along with nux vomica and other classical homeopathics that are used to desensitise cravings, is given to the patient to use when he feels the urge for a cigarette.When a smoker wakes up in the morning, he usually wants to refurbish his blood nicotine levels by having a cigarette. He is to take ten to fifteen drops of the Anti-Smoking I formula under the tongue. (Upon waking) Since sublingual and stomach absorption of nicotine is slower than respiratory absorption, the smoker must wait fifteen to twenty minutes for effects to set in. If by then he is still craving a cigarette, he may take a second dose. After another fifteen to twenty minutes of craving he may take a third dose. He is not to take over three doses. This generates a slight dose of nicotine into the blood to reduce craving. The time involved (twenty minutes) helps to reduce the craving as well, and also helps to stimulate endorphins.The major vitamins depleted by smoking are vitamins A, B, C and E. These vitamins must be supplemented into the diet to help rebuild the tissue and decrease the craving. Vitamin A should be prescribed at 20,000 IFS a day, vitamin C at 1,000 - 3,000 mg a day, and vitamin E at 1,000 IFS a day. Extra vitamin C can also be given, as it is a strong stimulator of endorphins that help reduce the craving. Patients can also be taught to wrap a rubber band around the wrist, and upon craving snap the rubber band on the skin. This accomplishes several things: the pain stimulates endorphins and helps to stop the craving, and the craving is associated with the snapping rubber band, thereby desensitising the patient through negative conditioning.After the patient has taken Anti-Smoking I drops orally for a week or two, they may shift to skin application by putting three drops on the skin over an acupuncture point, such as those between the thumb and index finger (the Hoku point), and the webbed area closer to the index finger. By massaging this into both spots, slight amounts of nicotine can be put into the skin, which also helps the patient by stimulating the acupuncture point. This acupuncture point is connected to many places in the body, and helps to correct blood sugar imbalance.Lung Liquescence and Heart, Lung homeopathic glandular are also helpful in rebuilding tissue and diminishing craving. The Endorphin homeopathic helps in diminishing craving, as well.One side effect of quitting smoking is initial weight gain. It has been shown that weight gain can be avoided by taking 1,000 mg of calcium a day. The best formula we have for this is the Crystallized Cell Salts, which supplies a well-balanced blend of all needed minerals. Two tablets a day supplies the needed calcium that helps prevent weight gain.NOTE: The SMOKING PROGRAM for the SCIO/EFPX does not work in subspace. You need to attach the client via the harness.

Nota legal: El anterior artículo es informativo, en ningún caso se debe suponer que en CONSULNAT realizamos terapias para curar enfermedades, no somos médicos, sino parasanitarios y por lo tanto no tenemos autorización legal para ejercer la mecicina.

martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Quantum Knowledge

In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is an indivisible entity of a quantity that has the same units as the Planck constant and is related to both energy and momentum of elementary particles of matter (called fermions) and of photons and other bosons. The word comes from the Latin "quantus," for "how much." Behind this, one finds the fundamental notion that a physical property may be "quantized", referred to as "quantization". This means that the magnitude can take on only certain discrete numerical values, rather than any value, at least within a range. There is a related term of quantum number.

A photon is often referred to as a "light quantum." The energy of an electron bound to an atom (at rest) is said to be quantized, which results in the stability of atoms, and of matter in general. But these terms can be a little misleading, because what is quantized is this Planck's constant quantity whose units can be viewed as either energy multiplied by time or momentum multiplied by distance....

Usually referred to as quantum "mechanics," it is regarded by virtually every professional physicist as the most fundamental framework we have for understanding and describing nature at the infinitesimal level, for the very practical reason that it works. It is "in the nature of things", not a more or less arbitrary human preference.laws of attraction

Everything that is, is Energy

With Quantum Physics, we are Creators of the Universe.

Everything is Energy. Einstein's 1905 formula E = mc2 explains the
relationship between Energy and matter. It explains that Energy and matter
are interchangeable; that everything is Energy -- dancing, fluid,
ever-changing Energy.

domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

Additional Therapies del SCIO / Eductor.

Developed by Dr. William Nelson: Scio / Eductor.

1. Animal testing and therapies
2. Inanimate object testing and therapies
3. Geopathic stress corrections
4. DNA and RNA treatments
5. Chromosome/gene treatments
6. Mental NLP interface
7. Consciousness form testing
8. Allergy treatments
9. Adipose tissue treatments
10. EEG, ECG therapies
11. Trivector resonance of back muscles
12. Autonomic nervous system balance
13. Vagus nerve stimulation
14. Anti-aging therapy
15. Phobia release therapy
16. Hip regeneration treatments
17. Autism and dyslexia repair
18. Corpus collosum stabilization
19. Artery and vein repair
20. Cxygen stimulation
21. Hydration stimulation
22. Sarcode balancing therapy
23. Constitutional homeopathic therapy
24. Overall rectification treatments
25. Insight stimulation
26. Open mind therapy
27. Creativity stimulation therapy
28. Neuro-peptide balance and stimulation
29. Neural-net stabilization
30. Memory stimulation
31. Intelligence stimulation
32. Brain scan therapy
33. Vivid dream stimulation
34. Classical and quantum biofeedback
35. Addiction release therapy
36. Super-learning programs
37. Degeneration/cancer therapies
38. Hormonal/metabolic repair
39. Neurological repair
40. Relaxation and sleep treatments
41. Digestive system therapy
42. Serotonin metabolism stimulation
43. Skin aging treatments
44. Overall immune stimulation
45. Chronic fatigue syndrome therapy
46. Bad behavior in children treatments
47. Anti-inflammation therapy
48. Electro-chelation circulation therapy
49. Fibrocyte treatment
50. Psychic abilities stimulation
51. Blood sugar disorder corrections
52. Pathogen zap therapy
53. Imprinting/duplication of imponderables
54. Electro-hypnosis and de-hypnosis
55. Voice test analysis and therapy
56. Brain wave pattern therapy
57. ADD/ADHD therapy
58. Brain fatigue therapy
59. Subspace morphic transference
60. Lower, upper and middle charka therapy
61. Phase aberration therapy
62. Wound/injury repair therapy
63. Homotoxicology protocol
64. Hertz resonance therapy
65. Neuro-emotional complex therapy
66. Cranial-sacral therapy
67. Dental therapy
68. Karma dissipation
69. Higher purpose alignment
70. Emotional growth stimulation
71. Body scan and face therapy
72. Reflexology treatments
73. Sarcode/organ stimulation
74. Stabilization of heart rhythm
75. Spiritual attack or oppression release
76. Body to soul connection therapy
77. Learning disability therapy
78. Mental causes and affirmation therapy
79. Biorhythms synchronization
80. Eye stimulation therapy
81. Auditory repair
82. Bipolar depression therapy
83. Emotional trauma/shock therapy
84. Adrenal stimulation
85. Bach and california flower stimulation

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

By reducing the stress on the human energy field, we allow the body to understand the cause and spend more time on the larger, more difficult issues at hand. “Peeling away the layers of an onion” ~~~~^/\/\^~~~~ this is an example of a stressor found within the human energy field. As you can see there is an aberration within the wave. In homeopathy it is known that “like balances like”, and in biofeedback we send a mirrored images of the same wave back into the body and then evaluate the reactivity again. The EPFX continues to balance the stressor with this mirrored image until rectification is achieved.
When explaining the EPFX/SCIO I have found that keeping it simple is the best way to go. Especially when explaining to the general public. The EPFX/SCIO is an evaluation tool, used for stress reduction, pain management, and allowing a person to reach peak performance. The /SCIO evaluates the reactivity of homeopathic solutions to an individual’s energy field. During the evaluation process (which takes 3 – 5 minutes) more than 10,000 homeopathic solutions are evaluated for reactivity 3 times. Once forwards, backwards, and then randomly; establishing a matrix of items ordered from highest reactivity (red) to lowest reactivity (blue). We have noticed that the items highlighted in red are more acute stressors in comparison to the blue items which are more likely underlying chronic stressors. Our job as biofeedback practitioners is to balance this list of stressors; one layer at a time.

If there is a further explanation needed please feel free to ask me, Jonathan Sargent. Hope that this helps and bless you all for being a changing force in health care as we know it.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

Patricia Cano Practitioner SCIO / EDUCTOR



Retroalimentación Del Estres. SCIO / EDUCTOR

Información ventas o terapias enviar mensaje AQUI.

SCIO / EDUCTOR bio-feedback device for body stress reduction.Te podemos Atender en Bogota,en USA o escribiendo a Visita y encontraras más información, también puedes hacer preguntas o tu cita presencial o virtual. +57 3164485126

Éste video fue realizado para el doctor Sergio Hiram Martínez Salazar, excelente médico homeopata en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, quien introdujo este moderno equipo a la ciudad, llevando varios beneficios para sus pacientes.

This video was commissioned by Dr. Sergio Hiram Martínez Salazar, an excellent homeopathic doctor. He brought this machine to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, where it has produced outstanding results with his patients. Directed by Paris D. Escandón, produced by Dr. Sergio Hiram Mtnz., Gabriel Trujillo, Paris D. Escandón

Te podemos Atender en Bogota,en USA o escribiendo a info@scio-eslasolucion.comVisita y paga tu consulta.

Mas videos que nos hablan del scio.

At Santa Fe Soul Carolyn Silver combines her education from Yale Divinity School, 28 years of hospice work and later with the EPFX/SCIO biofeedback device to give clients amazing insights.

The work reduces stressors and allows clients to literally heal themselves.

Samantha Huston briefly descibes the Quantum Biofeedback device invented by Dr. Bill Nelson.

 Quantum Video briefly describing our precision 21st Century Technology for Improving your LIFE. Forget ANYTHING you ever heard about "biofeedback" if you haven't already experienced the Quantum System! While we are in Kauai, ANYONE with LAND telephone or ideally a high speed internet connection can receive an analysis (Digital Body Scan) with the option for cracking the corrupted and dysfunctional "codes" in one's "bio-energetic" system that are holding you back on ANY level. After years of working with clients of all kinds and marveling at the consistency of results, accuracy, and transformations that have occurred afterwards, we are so confident that you pay NOTHING if you don't find this to be helpful for you.

Professor Bill Neslon Explains the SCIO.

At Santa Fe Soul, Monte Monteleone and the SCIO are providing breakthrough services for clients. This biofeedback technology is here now and in the future will become a primary resource for establishing and maintaining health and optimum human performance.

Monte Monteleone offers a tour of this remarkable service and talks about his Vietnam experience with disease and healing using quantum/energy medicine.

This course aims to give a deeper understanding of the Dark Field Analysis program in the advanced biofeedback (SCIO) device, integrated into the basics of live and dry blood analysis with clinical applications. Pleomorphism and the over-acidification of the bio-terrain will be covered in detail. The new science of oxidology will also be a major topic of study. This course does not train an individual to become a microscopist, but rather teaches how to integrate an understanding of hematology to complement clinical assessments.

The Quantum has grown dramatically over the last 4 years becoming the industry leader in offering the most comprehensive level of sales opportunities, services and support to its customers on a global scale.

PATRICIA CANO +57 3164485126
Initial Session: 2 – 2.5 Hours
• Information exchange and history
• SCIO evaluation & stress reactions $100

Follow-on Sessions: Specific Focus
Follow-on Session: 1 – 1.25 Hours $75
Each additional 15 minutes $ 20

Introductory Package:*
Includes Initial Session & 3 Follow-On Sessions
Initial Session: 2 – 2.5 Hours
Follow on Session: 1 – 1.25 Hours
Expiry: Two months from Initial Session $300

Follow-on Sessions: – 5 PACK *
Follow-on Session: 1 – 1.25 Hours
Expiry: Three months from First Session $360

Follow-on Sessions: – 10 11 PACK *
Purchase 10 Follow-On Sessions and
Receive One Additional Session FREE
Follow on Session: 1 – 1.25 Hours
Expiry: Six Months from First Session $720

In Home Consultations:
Higher fees apply by request

Clearing Ceremonies:
Space Clearing, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Balancing by request

* Full payment in advance, non-transferable.

Receive a $40 Voucher Toward a Future Session
Voucher granted following referral client’s Session,
One Voucher per person referred

Gift Vouchers are Available

Initial Session is required prior to Follow-On Sessions
CANCELLATION: Clients will be charged full amount if Session is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice

Payment Options
Cash, Direct Deposit, Credit Card (MC/Visa)
Cash at time services are provided (In Person Clients only)

Remote / Distance Clients:
Contact by email or telephone.

Full payment required in advance of all services provided.

Telephone and shipping charges, if applicable, are additional and billed at cost.

Información y costos en Colombia + 57 3164485126

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Basic Principles of the SCIO Technology

• Every single organ in your body resonates/vibrates its own energy?
• When this energy is disturbed by toxins, parasites, etc, the organ cannot function at its fullest capacity?
How can this be rectified:
• Vibration or energy medicine which works on cellular level stimulates the organs own frequencies (vibration) thus regeneration takes place and healing can start.
What is energy medicine:
• Energy medicine is central to homeopathy and can be manipulated in a therapeutic way. Our physical being and the psychological processes of our thoughts, feelings etc., are expressions of energy which is based on the theory of meridians, i.e. electrical pathways that flow continuously along the body carrying energy. Blockages or imbalances in these pathways cause illness to the relating organs.
• Energy healing is an ancient healing practice and has been used successfully by the Native American Indians, Chinese and Egyptians. Energy medicine is used in magnetic field therapy, biofeedback, reflexology etc.
• Energy is thought to govern people's physical, emotional and mental processes and when it fails to function properly, pain and illness arise. Blockages or imbalances are caused by bad eating habits, irrational behavior patterns, emotional problems and stress.
Why Energy Medicine is so important
• The first signal that something is going wrong in the body is vibrational or electromagnetic
• Damaging frequencies are stored in the cells and these may build up unnoticed for years before manifesting as an illness
• Chemical changes begin to appear and then pathogens like bacteria, virus, fungus, etc take hold
• Our lifestyles can create damaging frequencies that could be detected long before physical symptoms appear
• A lack of symptoms is not a sign of perfect health!
How can SCIO make a difference:
• Using a non-invasive, advanced technology, namely SCIO, the body is scanned to find energy imbalances and health issues. This high-tech machine can detect viruses, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, food sensitivities toxicity and trauma to name a few. Measurements are taken of vitamin levels, amino acids, hormones, bacteria, molds, fungi and enzymes. With an immense bank of information and normal standards for comparison the areas in need of treatment become apparent.
• It scans the body for weaknesses, since most diseases are caused by stress of one kind or another, the EPFX/SCIO is designed to energetically scan and harmonise the body’s stress and imbalances through immediate feedback on such things as possible deficiencies, toxic allergens, hormones, emotions, learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD etc.), weight-loss, anti-ageing, treatment of pain of various kinds such as physical and emotional.
• As a biofeedback practitioner suggestions are made, denoted and therapies recommended and performed that include detoxification, spinal treatment, dental treatment, Neorolinguistic Programming that replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts and stress reduction. The objective is focussed on lifestyle improvement for a client via stress reduction. Prevention is better than cure.
What can it do for you:
• The therapeutic effects range from the mundane to the complex, from localised tooth pain to whole body health.
• Recognition of problem areas: In the hands of a trained health practitioner, the imbalances in the subtle energy field are tracked to determine the most probable sources of ill health. It stimulates conscious awareness of unconscious processes.
• Energetic treatment: In addition the SCIO has the capability to transmit approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well being. This includes locating and unblocking the flow of energy, zapping pathogens, biofeedback, stimulating repair processes, stimulating detoxification, desensitising allergies, reducing stress, balancing emotions, balancing chakras and more.
• Additional treatment recommendations: The health practitioner is also able to determine the lifestyle changes and remedies, including correction of nutritional deficiencies, that will best help as a next step in a plan for better health.
• It is important to understand that the healing, which begins immediately, may, or may not, be overtly perceptible for a while. The healing process may begin subtly on the inside, with small stimuli starting cascade reactions, which result in significant changes. While it is possible that some acute imbalances may be corrected in one session, a series of sessions will generally tend to be most beneficial.

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Dr Nelson and His Quantum Device

In the field of alternative medicine some individuals stand out because of their passion for research and their ability to bring their findings to the world. A researcher may reveal many profound things. As individuals, however, it is rare that any one researcher provides all the keys we need for health. William C. Nelson (Bill Nelson) is one of these rare individuals, an independent researcher who has devoted time and talent to bring us keys to creating and preserving good health.
Born and raised in Warren, Ohio in 1951, Bill Nelson was identified as a genius from an early age. As a young man, his interest in quantum physics and electronic engineering led to his work for General Motors and his contribution into the ‘Gyro’ navigation system on the Apollo space project. He turned his genius to the field of medicine and health after the birth of his first-born son Daniel who retreated into the world of autism as result of an anti-nausea drug his wife took while pregnant. After devouring the information offered by the allopathic medical world and the synthetic drug industry, he turned to the world of alternative medicine. Using natural remedies, he was successful in reversing many of the symptoms of his son's autism.
During his research, he was intrigued by a number of bio-electric devices being used: the ‘Vega’ machine, the ‘Voll’, and the ‘Mora’ unit – as well as biofeedback and cranial electrical stimulation (CES) units. These units either measure the body's electrical response to help diagnose problems in the body or they emit frequencies to treat problems. Nelson also studied the body's subtle energy systems – acupuncture meridians, chakra energy, and applied kinesiology or muscle testing. Recognizing that the body's subtle energy system is an early warning system and that imbalances in the body's subtle energies show up much earlier than disease symptoms, Nelson decided to apply his genius to design an all-inclusive system, the Quantum (EPFX/SCIO/QXCI) – a computerized system that would both test and balance the body at the subtle energy level.
In developing the Quantum, Bill Nelson integrated the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, electronics, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, energetic medicine and computer programming. He also incorporated his knowledge of metaphysics to bring a unique synergistic perspective to natural healing.
Nelson has studied psychology, homeopathy, naturopathy, science, business, computer science and international law. He has also mastered the difficulties of creating software that integrates the many healing modalities he has programmed into the Quantum. His unique knowledge of subjects such as fractal dynamics, subspace theory, and a tri-vector system among others, has made his energetic feedback system possible.
The Quantum gathers bio-energetic data from the body via sixty plus channels simultaneously. The information is prioritized to help the natural health practitioner zero-in on the body's current specific needs. The program offers information specific to subtle energies – emotional and mental stresses, nutritional needs, food sensitivities, and digestive and cleansing needs. In the hands of a trained health practitioner, the imbalances in the subtle energy field are tracked to determine the most probable sources of ill health. In addition the Quantum has the capability to apply approximately 100 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well being. The health practitioner is also able to determine the lifestyle changes and remedies that will best help as a next step in a plan for better health.
Rather than be distracted by the politics of the FDA in the US, Bill Nelson moved to Budapest in 1993. He has lectured on homeopathy as a science and healing modality in schools in the US, England and Hungary. He regularly updates his computerized stress reduction system, and has set up ‘New Vistas of Hungary’, a small hand-made homeopathic products company.

The SCIO and The Verbal Mind

Professor William C. Nelson

In our development of a new approach to health and wellness—what I call Superconscious Awareness Medicine—there is a somewhat thorny issue that must be addressed. Although many feel the verbal mind is all there is, the truth is that the verbal mind makes up a very small part of the brain.

Behind the left ear on most people (more than 999 out of a 1,000), there is the “Broca” area about the size of a golf ball, which is where we put together our words, along with other parts of the left hemisphere. This is our linear mind so that we can organize in subject-predicate-object. In this part of the brain, the flow of time is linear, like a river.

Much has been written about our “split brain”; we also have a “right brain.” This “split brain” gives us a dichotomy of two types of perspective—the “left brain” is the linear-verbal “scientific mind” and the “right brain” is the more intuitive, unconscious, non-verbal “gestalt mind.”

There are over 200 trillion cells, which make up the whole of the human body, each of which has receptors and sensors in constant communication with each other in order to sense our environment. Each of these 200 trillion cells sends messages to the brain and receives messages via our electric field, conductivity, hormonal conductivity, and a host of other energy transfers. In addition, the human body is also in contact with its environment through our senses—sight, smell, touch, taste, sound, as well as the extra-sensory senses. Then, in addition to the profound, incredibly vast amount of data that is reaching us through our senses, there is another vast amount of data sent to our brain from all of the cells of the body responding to the vast amount of data from the senses.

There is estimated to be somewhere between 500 trillion to 900 trillion bits of information reaching the brain at any one second of time. There is a filter area at the base of the brain known as the “reticular formation” which breaks up vast number of signals that are coming to the brain and chooses only certain signals and feeds these to the conscious brain. Thus, it is estimated that the conscious brain will receive only between 100,000 and 1,000,000 bits of the 500-900 trillion bits of information coming to it each second. The rest of the data goes to what we call the “superconscious” brain (it is also sometimes called the “unconscious” brain).

No matter where you are, even if you are sitting quietly in your own home, you are inhaling millions or even trillions bits of particles and thousands of bacteria, fungi, spores and viruses. If you go to the mall where the air is recycled and viruses and bacteria are not filtered, there is an incredible build-up of material. In addition, it has been found that every year there is a greater build-up of pollen in the air than there was in the year before. There is simply a dramatic accumulation of things that we are now being exposed to.

Although less than 1% of 1% of 1% (ad infinitum) of our life experience gets to our conscious verbal brain, this verbal brain likes to pretend that it is in control. It likes to analyze things in its so-called scientific aspect. It likes to look for replications, reproductions and consistency so it can establish a connection in its interaction with its environment. However, in truth, the vast majority of our actions are not dictated by our logic, verbal mind but come from our deep subconscious—from gut feelings and from the heart and other areas. It is the unconscious that brings us to the places that we go in our life. When we get there, our verbal consciousness rationalizes and attempts some kind of explanation for how we got there—and, if challenged, it can quickly change its mind and come up with another explanation. The rationalization ability of the verbal mind is endless.

The QXCI interfaces with the unconscious (superconscious) body because the unconscious mind controls the body electric, not the verbal mind. There is an innate intelligence in every cell, which gives that cell its life. We don’t have to think about the myriad activities going on in our bodies because the biology or innate intelligence of the superconscious is in control of our electrical, chemical and other factors. Our digestion happens automatically without our having to think about it. Our autonomic nervous system controls our immune system and many other factors. Even if our verbal mind is removed (as when we sleep) or if it is inactivated, the life process of healing continues.

The superconscious will always produce life and healing if we allow it. As a matter of fact, the more the verbal mind tries to intrude on a life process, the more it will disrupt it. If you sit down with your verbal mind after you have eaten a meal and begin to think about what enzymes are being released, how much hydrochloric acid, and so forth, it will actually interrupt and disturb the digestive function. The more we try to think about our natural functions, the more we disrupt the energy and the function of healing.

If we have a broken bone, it is not the doctor that heals it, it is not the verbal mind that heals it. It is the superconscious ability of the lifeforce contained in the cells that will initiate cellular repair. It will try to establish health and restore functioning to organs that have been hurt. We can only help it do its job.
However, in our society we have put so much stock into our tiny conscious mind because of its ability to accumulate technology that we have lost touch with our powerful, amazing superconscious. Our patients/clients may look at the reactive items that are on the screen and balk because they cannot understand them—as if their conscious mind could understand all of the factors they are exposed to.

As an example, we were testing individuals at a QXCI booth in Germany. The pastuliris bacteria, a bacteria contained inside the kimono dragon, showed up for 5 patients in a row. The kimono dragon was one of the last of the dinosaurs, living in the most exotic places in the world such as Madagascar, and is now very rare. People who have been bitten by a kimono dragon usually die within a year although some last 10 years or so. It is almost impossible to cure a kimono dragon bite because it contains this very pestilent, very toxic (to humans) bacteria, in its mouth, which starts its process of digestion. I had never seen this bacteria show up in tests over the last 10 years and suddenly there were 5 people in a row.

The people said, “The device must be broken. I’ve never been exposed to a kimono dragon. Why could this possibly show up?” They felt the verbal mind should understand. Finally, one of the people at the booth shared with me that 5 years prior, he had been bitten by a kimono dragon and was still dealing with a festering wound. His mere presence at the booth, as he exhaled different bacteria, created a reactivity surge in individuals who were there at that time. Had we not known about the man who had been bitten, we would have thought the device was indeed broken. We would have been wrong.

Years ago when I first developed the SCIO/QXCI device, my stepson came to me with a bacterial infection. We set up cultures and discovered that the infection was hemoitic strepth, e-coli and proteus. When we tested him on the SCIO/QXCI, we came up with hemolytic strepth, e-coli, proteus and measles; it confirmed what the cultures showed plus it added measles. He said, “I’ve never had measles. How could this have come up?” My verbal mind tried to rationalize it in a number of ways. The next morning on television, there was a story about how one of the local dorms at a nearby college was closed because of a measles outbreak. I said, “Chad, where were you last weekend?” He said, “Oh, I spent the night at one of the dorms at the college to explore whether I wanted to go there.” Indeed, he had stayed in the same dormitory that was now closed, and he had been exposed to measles. His immune system reacted to the measles.

As I have gone through years and years working with the QXCI programs, many things will show up on the screen that the person balks at with their verbal mind. Always, upon deeper exploration I have found that the individual's unconscious is extremely more intelligent than the verbal mind. When things come up on the screen, we have to find another way of dealing with this information. We have to start finding the superconscious within ourselves, which is far superior to the conscious verbal mind.

The verbal mind is like a small child trying to understand things, whereas the innate intelligence of the superconscious can fix and repair cells at a cellular level, move electrons and photons in a precise fashion and do an incredible amount of technology that makes anything that has every been developed by the verbal mind seem passé. The actions, of even one cell, cannot be duplicated by any scientists or any researchers in the world. Our verbal mind technology is incredibly far behind the technology of the superconscious, which is the technology of life.

The superconscious is incredibly vast and it is not of words. This is often scary to the verbal part of us. The verbal part is often afraid to lose this seeming control—a control the verbal mind never had to begin with, a control that the verbal mind only believes that it has. In truth, the superconscious has control of the body, the life force and the path of our lives. Some choose to call the superconsciousness our “God consciousness.” Whatever names one might choose, there does seem to be a connection to a higher power.

We have found that the body responds to and is controlled by quantic functions, that the quantic functions have interactions with each other and that there is a connection with the “God consciousness” of the universe (superconsciousness if you don’t like the word God). We have recognized that our bodies live and exist because of a power beyond the capacity of just our words, that our words are a powerful tool of analysis, some decision-making and some explanations, but this verbal mind tool should not be fooled into thinking that it is the master.

Oftentimes, words detract. The verbal parts of the brain can help the body decide which foods are good, when to exercise, what to exercise, what to drink, how much to drink, these kind of good judgmental decisions, but the real power of healing is in the superconscious. As we discover the powers that lie in the superconscious, which is beyond the doubts and disbeliefs of our words, we will start to uncover the super doctor within, the incredible life-force that is not of words but actually does the healing. We need to educate our doctors and teach our patients that true healing comes from the superconscious.

Since the superconscious is changing the body electric every thousandths or hundredth of a second, the QXCI allows for an interface at biological speeds. This is the first device of its kind. When we turn on the QXCI, we activate different approaches to allow the individual's superconsciousness to treat itself. The QXCI auto-focuses the approach as the system interfaces with the superconsciousness, not the verbal consciousness. Devices prior to this have all been verbal devices where settings had to be set, the operator had to make verbal analyses of procedures, select specific settings and then enact different approaches. We have developed a giant new step in technology that goes beyond the verbal technology and incorporates a right-brain, intuitive technology with a superconscious interface so that the body can treat itself at biological speeds.

Edited from the original by Dr. William Nelson

viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

BiofeedbackStress Reduction

RelaxationMuscle RetrainingAnti-aging
SCIO is a state of the art bio-feedback device for the application of Quantum Biofeedback for stress detection and stress reduction. During a session, the EPFX-SCIO device interfaces with the body at biological speeds, through the use of a computer, for one hundredth of a second for each aspect, and records the degree to which the body reacts. This type of interface is known as the Xrroid process.
The accuracy and reliability of the EPFX-SCIO is based on decades of research in the field of bio-energetic and bio-response. Science has shown that the body is indeed electric and the electrical reactivity of the body can be calculated via responses to amperage and voltage. Quantum Science and Traditional or Classical Biofeedback have been merged to create Quantum Biofeedback. Quantum Biofeedback, using the EPFX-SCIO, measures voltage and amperage and calculates from these measurements sixteen electrical parameters of the body. The system tells us about the energetic state of one’s body and the direction in which the body is focusing its energy. Because the EPFX-SCIO deals on a subconscious level, only the system is aware of the over 9,000 body interface items. Neither the operator nor the client can intentionally or unintentionally influence the results. This process that detects the stressors in the body takes approximately 3-5 minutes.
Using the technology of quantum physics, the EPFX-SCIO measures the body’s resonance/reactance pattern and determines what benefit has occurred in the time period since the last measurement (less than a second earlier). If there has not been an improvement, the input resonance is altered. The EPFX-SCIO maintains each beneficial setting as long as it is helpful and changes as soon as it is no longer useful. This process allows the body to reduce stress, increase relaxation, and potentially restore itself.

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Unete a nuestra RED SCIO.


viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

The History of the SCIO

1969 – Prof. Nelson works on the Apollo Project.• He learns the value of electronics and tri-vector shape theories of topology.• The Gyro Navigation System teaches him about the multiple vectors of shapes.• His work on Apollo 13 is essential in helping the astronauts reset the navigation system for re-entry.
1976 – During medical school, Prof. Nelson realizes the dominance of synthetic substances in the medical field.• Prof. Nelson’s psychic research and quantum subspace theories lead to international acclaim• In Youngstown, Ohio, the first studies of reactivity show the power of the volts and amps of the body reactivity and how inaccurate skin resistance measurements can be• Prof. Nelson teaches mathematics and the value of statistics, Fourier analysis and vector calculus.
1979 - Professor Nelson learns the value of energetic medicine.• The fractal systems such as the human body do not repeat.• A person cannot step into the same stream twice (the waters flows, fish move, etc.)• The power of the subtle and small.• Healing is subconscious and non-linear.
1979 – With his experience in electronics Prof. Nelson sees the mistakes in electro-acupuncture.• Voltage, amperage, resonant frequencies, capacitance, inductance and reactance are selected as values for energetic medicine.• The biological speed of reactivity is closer to 100th of a second.• A therapist can vary the speed of delivery in a point probe and thus, modify the results.• Science and Math are imperative foundations for alternative medicine.
1982 – Prof. Nelson develops the first Tri-vector system for diagnosis.• He assembles the tri-vector analysis on 1000's of homeopathic substances.• He measures the resonant frequencies of the acupuncture points.• He develops the Fourier analysis algorithms for reactivity.• He begins to put together the puzzle of the tri-vector cybernetic linkOctober
1989 – Prof. Nelson registers with the FDA a biofeedback unit without therapy.• Prof. Nelson undertakes a 200 hour course about preparing documentation for the FDA.• The EPFX (Electro Physical Feedback Xrroid) is registered as a unit of feedback without therapy.• The first registry of a system that could do diagnostics of electro-acupuncture is made.
1989 to the 90’s – The registered EPFX is sold to many therapists.• One of the sales agents, Bob Eanes, has difficulties understanding dynamics of fractal and subspace.• What Bob really wants is to establish his own venture.• With little information he leaves and sets up his own company: ‘Avatar’.
1992 - The FDA informs Professor Nelson that they have limits on future registration• A device to detect the abnormalities of the body electric and to test the body electric can be registered• A device detecting electric abnormalities and then correcting them at biological speeds cannot be registered• The USA government allows importation of medical systems registered in other countries.
1993 - To further his dream Prof. Nelson seeks foreign support.• The Hungarian government supports Prof. Nelson’s work.• He moves to Budapest where he works with Gabor Lednyczky.• Prof. Nelson shares part of his research because Prof. Lednyczky does not yet accept certain ideas about fractal dynamics and quantum theory.
1994 – Market hostilities take place.• Prof. Nelson and Prof. Lednyczky have disagreements about the price of the system.• Nelson wants to charge 12,000 USD, whilst Lednyczky prefers 50,000 USD per system.• After selling several devices at 50,000 USD, Lednyczky decides to operate independently.
1995 – The dream comes true!• Both the American and Lednyczky’s systems use analog to digital converters.• In a dream, Prof. Nelson solves the vector problems and a system is possible without the converters.• This results in a device that becomes less expensive and more accurate as ‘translation’ is not required.
1995 – The difficulty lies in the need of a competent computer programmer.• Prof. Nelson hired programmers but this generated problems because of their lack of perspective assembling the programs.• Prof. Nelson starts learning programming.• A month later, the first version of the SCIO is presented.
1995 - A Cybernetic link becomes possible• A device is envisioned to calibrate the subject's reactance speed, and reactivity to 1000's of• The device is planned to deliver energetic frequencies such as Rife, Bicom, Mora, bio-resonance, etc.• A Cybernetic link is envisioned to establish feedback between the device and the test subject.
1995 – The cybernetic link becomes a reality.• In the same way that supersonic flights are possible because of the invention of the turbine.• It allows auto focusing therapy and self-adjusted frequencies for maximum results and efficacy.The Present•
Over 5,000 units have been sold worldwide•


This advancement in biofeedback measures subtle electrical factors of the body.Historically, alternative medicine has used resistance measuring devices. These previous devices depended on the operator to apply the probe to the acupuncture point. By subtle changes of the speed of probe delivery (not the pressure), the operator could influence the outcome. This obscured replicable, reliable results. The range of testing was also limited with resistance devices.The body contains several dynamic systems which include electrical signals in addition to resistance. The electrical factors of the body include voltage, amperage, capacitance, inductance, and frequency.“For over fifteen years I’ve been lecturing to audiences of alternative medicine, and here is where all of a sudden the apprehension and fear start. The mention of voltage, amperage etc seem to trigger fear and dread. For all of a sudden the world of electro acupuncture which before was secure and safe is now dramatically incomplete. The SCIO represents a new technology. This article is a very brief summary of this technology.” Professor Bill Nelson, creator of the SCIO biofeedback deviceThe basics of bio-electrical feedback lie in measurements of voltage, amperage. The components that can be measured in electricity are the voltage and amperage. Everything else is based on mathematical analysis of voltage and amperage. The SCIO device starts by measuring multiple channels of electrical information. Multiple channels help map variations in the electrical potential and flow of the body total. The SCIO uses electrodes at the wrists, ankles and forehead to capture a series of electrical measurements. These direct measurements are taken on four channels of voltage, four of amperage, and four of resistance. These signals come into the computer for amplification and for frequency analysis. The result is an active twelve channel measuring device. The SCIO software application then creates additional calculations mathematically. Resistance can not be measured directly. It is calculated from an amperage or voltage. Capacitance is measured as a mathematical adjustment of voltage and amperage flow. These calculations are referred to as virtual or mathematical measures. Even the one channel resistance devices of the previous electro acupuncture devices such as the Voll, Phasix, Bicom, Mora and a host of others use virtual measures.The SCIO device measures over forty virtual dimensions. The slight variations of amperage and voltage flow measure capacitance and inductance. These are the reflections of static and dynamic effects of bio-electricity. Variations in amperage and voltage can measure frequency. Frequency was left out of the one channel resistance systems.Changes in the voltage, amperage, and resistance together make up the reactance and susceptance of the electrical system. Resistance alone is helpful, but when coupled with voltage and amperage the substance testing is expanded and enhanced. Complete electrical reactance is the most accurate indication of biological reactance. Multiple channels are needed to measure total reactivity.So what is measured by the SCIO? Here are the Fifty Five (55) categories measured:
1. Voltage lower left quad
2. Voltage lower right quad
3. Voltage upper left quad
4. Voltage upper right quad
5. Resistance lower left quad
6. Resistance lower right quad
7. Resistance upper left quad
8. Resistance upper right quad
9. Amperage head pole 1 Brain wave
10. Amperage head pole 2 Brain wave
11. Amperage head pole 3 Brain wave
12. Amperage head pole 4 Brain wave
13. Amperage head pole 5 Brain wave
14. Amperage head pole 6 Brain wave
15. Amperage head pole 7 Brain wave
16. Amperage head pole 8 Brain wave
17. Frequency 1 Lower left quad
18. Frequency 2 Lower right quad
19. Frequency 3 Upper right quad
20. Frequency 4 Upper left quad
21. Frequency 5 Brain wave
22. Frequency 6 Brain wave
23. Frequency 7 Brain wave
24. Frequency 8 Brain wave
25. Reactance 1 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
26. Reactance 2 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
27. Reactance 3 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
28. Reactance 4 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
29. Reactance 5 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
30. Reactance 6 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
31. Reactance 7 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
32. Reactance 8 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
33. Susceptance 1 Inverse of total reactance
34. Susceptance 2 Inverse of total reactance
35. Susceptance 3 Inverse of total reactance
36. Susceptance 4 Inverse of total reactance
37. Capacitance 1 Changes in amps
38. Capacitance 2 Changes in amps
39. Capacitance 3 Changes in amps
40. Capacitance 4 Changes in amps
41. Capacitance 5 Changes in amps
42. Capacitance 6 Changes in amps
43. Capacitance 7 Changes in amps
44. Capacitance 8 Changes in amps
45. Inductance 1 Changes in voltage
46. Inductance 2 Changes in voltage
47. Inductance 3 Changes in voltage
48. Inductance 4 Changes in voltage
49 Inductance 5 Changes in voltage
50. Inductance 6 Changes in voltage
51. Inductance 7 Changes in voltage
52. Inductance 8 Changes in voltage
53. Hydration
54. Oxidation
55. Proton and Electron pressure

From these calculations several ramifications can be surmised.The bioresonance of the system can be measured. The SCIO catalogues the reactions of the body to nosodes, isodes, allersodes, sarcodes, classic homeopathy remedies, herbal supplements, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, bacteria, fungus, parasites, nerves, vertebrae, muscles, and thousands of other compounds. The resonance of the system is measured by determining the evoked potential or reaction of the body to these compounds.Evoked potential is the electrical reaction of an organism to a stimulus. By analyzing the organism’s evoked potential or change in the above 55 measures, one can observe patterns of the energetic body of an organism.The speed of this reaction is relatively quick. The body electric is drawn towards nutrition and repelled from toxins. The speed of reactivity is controlled by the speed of ionic exchange; this is the speed of change in metabolic reaction. This speed is approximately one hundredth (1/100) of a second. The SCIO device is calibrated to each individual’s metabolic speed.Measuring the 55 factors at biological speeds of approximately one hundredth of a second requires the computation capabilities of current computers. Computers can perform 400 million calculations per second and thus adequately perform the calculations required for energetic evaluations. In just one screen of an individual (which lasts approximately 5 minutes), the testing process documents over 65 million bits of data. The sophistication of this data and the nature of the fractal and chaos systems make it imperative to use a nonlinear system of analysis. The SCIO algorithms use a fuzzy number mathematic system of Fourier form fit as a basis of analysis. Other systems of numerical analysis are programmed in the device and available as needed. The computer can detect energetic aberrations and repair them automatically. Another benefit of the SCIO is that the system performs without conscious intervention. Neither practitioner nor client has the ability to exert conscious influence over the results, because the SCIO system does not disclose specific testing processes.
The SCIO system can deliver the resonant frequencies of therapies including: electro acupuncture, rife, Mora, Bicom, bioresonance, scalar, color therapy, and neuro linguistic programming (NLP).


Born in the United States, Professor William Nelson who now resides in Budapest, Hungary, is a world renowned scientist, international lecturer, a respected writer and the inventor of the EPFX / QX. To some people, he is an overnight success but the EPFX / QX came about after 20 years of research and dedication.
The scientific theories behind this device are contained in the 1250 pages of the PROMORPHEUS, written in 1982. The QXCI device has had over 300 research articles written on it, many published in peer reviewed medical journals. The QXCI device has been taught in medical schools since 1995. So the history behind this exciting technology is massive. It is not experimental anymore. His areas of professional expertise include:
Quantum biology
Energetic medicine
Alternative medicine
The following is a brief chronological history of some of Professor Nelson's achievements: 1969Professor Nelson works on the Apollo project where he learns the value of:
Electronics and tri-vector shape theories of topology.
The Gyro Navigation system teaches him about the multiple vectors of shape.
His work on Apollo 13 is essential in helping the astronauts re-set the navigation system for re-entry.
Professor Nelson's psychic research and quantum sub-space theory leads to international acclaim.
In Youngstown, Ohio the first studies of reactivity show the power of the volts and amperage of the body reactivity and how inaccurate skin resistance measurements are.
Professor Nelson teaches mathematics and the value of statistics, Fourier analysis and vector calculus.
Professor Nelson learns the value of energetic medicine.
Medication testing as reactivity.
Energy flow as potential.
Fractal complex systems.
Voltage, amperage, resonant frequencies, capacitance, inductance and reactance are far superior values for energetic medicine.
Biological speeds of reactivity is closer to 100'th of a second.
Professor Nelson develops the first Tri-vector system for diagnosis.
Assembles the Tri-vector analysis on 1,000's of homeopathics.
Measures the resonant frequencies of the acupuncture points.
Develops the Fourier analysis algorithms for reactivity.
Begins to put together the puzzle of a tri-vector cybernetic link
Professor Nelson gets the EPFX system registered with the U.S.A. FDA as a biofeedback unit without therapy.
The U.S.A. FDA informs Professor Nelson that they have limits on future registration.
You can register a device to detect the abnormalities of the body electric and to treat the body electric.
But you can not register a device that can detect electric abnormalities and then correct them at biological speeds.
To further his dream, Professor Nelson moves to Hungary. Here he works with Gabor Lednyinsky but only shares part of his research…..
Professor Nelson's dream comes true:
He solves the vector problem and therefore devises a device without the analogue to digital conversion.
This results in a cheaper device with far more accuracy than conventional analogue converters.
A Cybernetic link is possible.
A device must be made to calibrate the patient's reactance speed, reactivity, and test 1,000's of items at biological speeds.
The device must be able to do energetic medicine such as Rife, Bicom Mora, bio-resonance, etc.
A Cybernetic link is established between the test and patient.
This allows for auto-focusing therapy and self-adjustment treatment for maximum results and efficiency.
Apart from 5 Patents in Energetic Medicine, there are several proprietary secrets known only to Professor Bill Nelson. 1. Subspace Link. 2. Body digital to computer digital link. 3. Cybernetic link of diagnosis to treatment auto focus bio-resonance. 4. Fractal analysis of Xrroid data. 5. Fourier analysis algorithms for bio-resonance data analysis. 6. Tri-vector system - to mention just a few.

Born and raised in Ohio (Warren, 19th June 1951), Bill Nelson was identified as a genius from an early age. As a young man, his interest in quantum physics and electronic engineering led to his work for General Motors and his contribution into the ‘Gyro’ navigation system on the Apollo space project.
He turned his genius to the field of medicine and health after the birth of his first-born son Daniel, retreated into the world of autism as result of an anti-nausea drug his wife took while pregnant.
Other reason was the death of one of his grand mothers as the result of chemotherapy. After devouring the information offered by the allopathic medical world and the synthetic drug industry, he turned to the world of alternative medicine. Using natural remedies, he was successful in reversing many of the symptoms of his son's autism.
During his research, he was intrigued by a number of bio-electric devices being used: the ‘Vega’ machine, the ‘Voll’, and the ‘Mora’ unit – as well as biofeedback and cranial electrical stimulation (CES) units. These units either measure the body's electrical response to help diagnose problems in the body or they emit frequencies to treat problems. He also studied the body's subtle energy systems – acupuncture meridians, chakra’s energy, applied kinesiology or muscle testing, etc. The body's subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the body's subtle energies show up much earlier than disease symptoms. Bill Nelson decided to apply his genius to design an all-inclusive system – a computerized system that would both test and balance the body at the subtle energy level. The ‘Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface’ – QXCI was born.
In developing his system, Bill Nelson has integrated the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, electronics, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, energetic medicine and computer programming. He has also incorporated his knowledge of metaphysical subjects to bring a unique synergistic perspective to natural healing. He has studied psychology, homeopathy, naturopathy, science, business, computer science and international law. He has also mastered the difficulties of creating the software to integrate the many healing modalities he has programmed into the QXCI/SCIO system. His unique knowledge of subjects such as fractal dynamics, subspace theory, a tri-vector system and others, has made this energetic feedback system possible.
The QXCI/SCIO gathers bio-energetic data from the body via fifty five channels simultaneously. The information is prioritized to help the natural health practitioner zero-in on the body's current specific needs. The program offers information specific to subtle energies – emotional and mental stresses, nutritional needs, food sensitivities, digestive and cleansing needs, etc. In the hands of a trained health practitioner, the imbalances in the subtle energy field are tracked to determine the most probable sources of ill health. In addition the QXCI has the capability to apply approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well-being. The health practitioner is also able to determine the lifestyle changes and remedies that will best help as a next step in a plan for better health.
Rather than to deal with the politics of health in the US and the FDA, Bill Nelson moved to Budapest in 1993. He has lectured I schools in the USA, England and Hungary on homeopathy as a science and healing modality. At present, in addition to lecturing in countries all over the World and regularly updating his computerized stress reduction system, Bill Nelson has set up ‘New Vistas of Hungary’, a small hand-made homeopathic products company. He has also started his own movie production company ‘Change the World’, with the purpose of bringing awareness to the general public about the politics of health, the many economic interests hidden within the synthetic drug industry, as well as others aspects of the industry of health.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008

El SCIO es un Sistema electrónico-computerizado de salud.

De forma sencilla, rápida y cómoda el SCIO comunica con el organismo realizando una lectura de sus medidas bioeléctricas pudiendo determinar aquellos desequilibrios energéticos que estén afectándole a nivel físico, emocional o mental, así como las prioridades a tratar en cada momento.
Una vez detectado el desajuste energético el sistema puede reequilibrarlo por medio de múltiples terapias con la consecuente vuelta al equilibrio. En cada sesión el SCIO transmite frecuencias de salud que le permitirán dar un Salto Quántico hacia un mayor bienestar.
El cuerpo responde muy positivamente a estos estímulos, que reconoce como propios. El efecto es muy eficaz, preciso, indoloro, no invasor y sobre todo falto de efectos secundarios.