1969 – Prof. Nelson works on the Apollo Project.• He learns the value of electronics and tri-vector shape theories of topology.• The Gyro Navigation System teaches him about the multiple vectors of shapes.• His work on Apollo 13 is essential in helping the astronauts reset the navigation system for re-entry.
1976 – During medical school, Prof. Nelson realizes the dominance of synthetic substances in the medical field.• Prof. Nelson’s psychic research and quantum subspace theories lead to international acclaim• In Youngstown, Ohio, the first studies of reactivity show the power of the volts and amps of the body reactivity and how inaccurate skin resistance measurements can be• Prof. Nelson teaches mathematics and the value of statistics, Fourier analysis and vector calculus.
1979 - Professor Nelson learns the value of energetic medicine.• The fractal systems such as the human body do not repeat.• A person cannot step into the same stream twice (the waters flows, fish move, etc.)• The power of the subtle and small.• Healing is subconscious and non-linear.
1979 – With his experience in electronics Prof. Nelson sees the mistakes in electro-acupuncture.• Voltage, amperage, resonant frequencies, capacitance, inductance and reactance are selected as values for energetic medicine.• The biological speed of reactivity is closer to 100th of a second.• A therapist can vary the speed of delivery in a point probe and thus, modify the results.• Science and Math are imperative foundations for alternative medicine.
1982 – Prof. Nelson develops the first Tri-vector system for diagnosis.• He assembles the tri-vector analysis on 1000's of homeopathic substances.• He measures the resonant frequencies of the acupuncture points.• He develops the Fourier analysis algorithms for reactivity.• He begins to put together the puzzle of the tri-vector cybernetic linkOctober
1989 – Prof. Nelson registers with the FDA a biofeedback unit without therapy.• Prof. Nelson undertakes a 200 hour course about preparing documentation for the FDA.• The EPFX (Electro Physical Feedback Xrroid) is registered as a unit of feedback without therapy.• The first registry of a system that could do diagnostics of electro-acupuncture is made.
1989 to the 90’s – The registered EPFX is sold to many therapists.• One of the sales agents, Bob Eanes, has difficulties understanding dynamics of fractal and subspace.• What Bob really wants is to establish his own venture.• With little information he leaves and sets up his own company: ‘Avatar’.
1992 - The FDA informs Professor Nelson that they have limits on future registration• A device to detect the abnormalities of the body electric and to test the body electric can be registered• A device detecting electric abnormalities and then correcting them at biological speeds cannot be registered• The USA government allows importation of medical systems registered in other countries.
1993 - To further his dream Prof. Nelson seeks foreign support.• The Hungarian government supports Prof. Nelson’s work.• He moves to Budapest where he works with Gabor Lednyczky.• Prof. Nelson shares part of his research because Prof. Lednyczky does not yet accept certain ideas about fractal dynamics and quantum theory.
1994 – Market hostilities take place.• Prof. Nelson and Prof. Lednyczky have disagreements about the price of the system.• Nelson wants to charge 12,000 USD, whilst Lednyczky prefers 50,000 USD per system.• After selling several devices at 50,000 USD, Lednyczky decides to operate independently.
1995 – The dream comes true!• Both the American and Lednyczky’s systems use analog to digital converters.• In a dream, Prof. Nelson solves the vector problems and a system is possible without the converters.• This results in a device that becomes less expensive and more accurate as ‘translation’ is not required.
1995 – The difficulty lies in the need of a competent computer programmer.• Prof. Nelson hired programmers but this generated problems because of their lack of perspective assembling the programs.• Prof. Nelson starts learning programming.• A month later, the first version of the SCIO is presented.
1995 - A Cybernetic link becomes possible• A device is envisioned to calibrate the subject's reactance speed, and reactivity to 1000's of• The device is planned to deliver energetic frequencies such as Rife, Bicom, Mora, bio-resonance, etc.• A Cybernetic link is envisioned to establish feedback between the device and the test subject.
1995 – The cybernetic link becomes a reality.• In the same way that supersonic flights are possible because of the invention of the turbine.• It allows auto focusing therapy and self-adjusted frequencies for maximum results and efficacy.The Present•
Over 5,000 units have been sold worldwide•
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