Retroalimentación Del Estres. SCIO / EDUCTOR
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SCIO / EDUCTOR bio-feedback device for body stress reduction.Te podemos Atender en Bogota,en USA o escribiendo a Visita y encontraras más información, también puedes hacer preguntas o tu cita presencial o virtual. +57 3164485126
Éste video fue realizado para el doctor Sergio Hiram Martínez Salazar, excelente médico homeopata en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, quien introdujo este moderno equipo a la ciudad, llevando varios beneficios para sus pacientes.
This video was commissioned by Dr. Sergio Hiram Martínez Salazar, an excellent homeopathic doctor. He brought this machine to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, where it has produced outstanding results with his patients. Directed by Paris D. Escandón, produced by Dr. Sergio Hiram Mtnz., Gabriel Trujillo, Paris D. Escandón
Te podemos Atender en Bogota,en USA o escribiendo a info@scio-eslasolucion.comVisita y paga tu consulta.
Mas videos que nos hablan del scio.
At Santa Fe Soul Carolyn Silver combines her education from Yale Divinity School, 28 years of hospice work and later with the EPFX/SCIO biofeedback device to give clients amazing insights.
The work reduces stressors and allows clients to literally heal themselves.
Samantha Huston briefly descibes the Quantum Biofeedback device invented by Dr. Bill Nelson.
Quantum Video briefly describing our precision 21st Century Technology for Improving your LIFE. Forget ANYTHING you ever heard about "biofeedback" if you haven't already experienced the Quantum System! While we are in Kauai, ANYONE with LAND telephone or ideally a high speed internet connection can receive an analysis (Digital Body Scan) with the option for cracking the corrupted and dysfunctional "codes" in one's "bio-energetic" system that are holding you back on ANY level. After years of working with clients of all kinds and marveling at the consistency of results, accuracy, and transformations that have occurred afterwards, we are so confident that you pay NOTHING if you don't find this to be helpful for you.
Professor Bill Neslon Explains the SCIO.
At Santa Fe Soul, Monte Monteleone and the SCIO are providing breakthrough services for clients. This biofeedback technology is here now and in the future will become a primary resource for establishing and maintaining health and optimum human performance.
Monte Monteleone offers a tour of this remarkable service and talks about his Vietnam experience with disease and healing using quantum/energy medicine.
This course aims to give a deeper understanding of the Dark Field Analysis program in the advanced biofeedback (SCIO) device, integrated into the basics of live and dry blood analysis with clinical applications. Pleomorphism and the over-acidification of the bio-terrain will be covered in detail. The new science of oxidology will also be a major topic of study. This course does not train an individual to become a microscopist, but rather teaches how to integrate an understanding of hematology to complement clinical assessments.
The Quantum has grown dramatically over the last 4 years becoming the industry leader in offering the most comprehensive level of sales opportunities, services and support to its customers on a global scale.
PATRICIA CANO +57 3164485126
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