This advancement in biofeedback measures subtle electrical factors of the body.Historically, alternative medicine has used resistance measuring devices. These previous devices depended on the operator to apply the probe to the acupuncture point. By subtle changes of the speed of probe delivery (not the pressure), the operator could influence the outcome. This obscured replicable, reliable results. The range of testing was also limited with resistance devices.The body contains several dynamic systems which include electrical signals in addition to resistance. The electrical factors of the body include voltage, amperage, capacitance, inductance, and frequency.“For over fifteen years I’ve been lecturing to audiences of alternative medicine, and here is where all of a sudden the apprehension and fear start. The mention of voltage, amperage etc seem to trigger fear and dread. For all of a sudden the world of electro acupuncture which before was secure and safe is now dramatically incomplete. The SCIO represents a new technology. This article is a very brief summary of this technology.” Professor Bill Nelson, creator of the SCIO biofeedback deviceThe basics of bio-electrical feedback lie in measurements of voltage, amperage. The components that can be measured in electricity are the voltage and amperage. Everything else is based on mathematical analysis of voltage and amperage. The SCIO device starts by measuring multiple channels of electrical information. Multiple channels help map variations in the electrical potential and flow of the body total. The SCIO uses electrodes at the wrists, ankles and forehead to capture a series of electrical measurements. These direct measurements are taken on four channels of voltage, four of amperage, and four of resistance. These signals come into the computer for amplification and for frequency analysis. The result is an active twelve channel measuring device. The SCIO software application then creates additional calculations mathematically. Resistance can not be measured directly. It is calculated from an amperage or voltage. Capacitance is measured as a mathematical adjustment of voltage and amperage flow. These calculations are referred to as virtual or mathematical measures. Even the one channel resistance devices of the previous electro acupuncture devices such as the Voll, Phasix, Bicom, Mora and a host of others use virtual measures.The SCIO device measures over forty virtual dimensions. The slight variations of amperage and voltage flow measure capacitance and inductance. These are the reflections of static and dynamic effects of bio-electricity. Variations in amperage and voltage can measure frequency. Frequency was left out of the one channel resistance systems.Changes in the voltage, amperage, and resistance together make up the reactance and susceptance of the electrical system. Resistance alone is helpful, but when coupled with voltage and amperage the substance testing is expanded and enhanced. Complete electrical reactance is the most accurate indication of biological reactance. Multiple channels are needed to measure total reactivity.So what is measured by the SCIO? Here are the Fifty Five (55) categories measured:
1. Voltage lower left quad
2. Voltage lower right quad
3. Voltage upper left quad
4. Voltage upper right quad
5. Resistance lower left quad
6. Resistance lower right quad
7. Resistance upper left quad
8. Resistance upper right quad
9. Amperage head pole 1 Brain wave
10. Amperage head pole 2 Brain wave
11. Amperage head pole 3 Brain wave
12. Amperage head pole 4 Brain wave
13. Amperage head pole 5 Brain wave
14. Amperage head pole 6 Brain wave
15. Amperage head pole 7 Brain wave
16. Amperage head pole 8 Brain wave
17. Frequency 1 Lower left quad
18. Frequency 2 Lower right quad
19. Frequency 3 Upper right quad
20. Frequency 4 Upper left quad
21. Frequency 5 Brain wave
22. Frequency 6 Brain wave
23. Frequency 7 Brain wave
24. Frequency 8 Brain wave
25. Reactance 1 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
26. Reactance 2 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
27. Reactance 3 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
28. Reactance 4 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
29. Reactance 5 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
30. Reactance 6 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
31. Reactance 7 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
32. Reactance 8 Changes in volts, amps, Ohms
33. Susceptance 1 Inverse of total reactance
34. Susceptance 2 Inverse of total reactance
35. Susceptance 3 Inverse of total reactance
36. Susceptance 4 Inverse of total reactance
37. Capacitance 1 Changes in amps
38. Capacitance 2 Changes in amps
39. Capacitance 3 Changes in amps
40. Capacitance 4 Changes in amps
41. Capacitance 5 Changes in amps
42. Capacitance 6 Changes in amps
43. Capacitance 7 Changes in amps
44. Capacitance 8 Changes in amps
45. Inductance 1 Changes in voltage
46. Inductance 2 Changes in voltage
47. Inductance 3 Changes in voltage
48. Inductance 4 Changes in voltage
49 Inductance 5 Changes in voltage
50. Inductance 6 Changes in voltage
51. Inductance 7 Changes in voltage
52. Inductance 8 Changes in voltage
53. Hydration
54. Oxidation
55. Proton and Electron pressure
From these calculations several ramifications can be surmised.The bioresonance of the system can be measured. The SCIO catalogues the reactions of the body to nosodes, isodes, allersodes, sarcodes, classic homeopathy remedies, herbal supplements, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, bacteria, fungus, parasites, nerves, vertebrae, muscles, and thousands of other compounds. The resonance of the system is measured by determining the evoked potential or reaction of the body to these compounds.Evoked potential is the electrical reaction of an organism to a stimulus. By analyzing the organism’s evoked potential or change in the above 55 measures, one can observe patterns of the energetic body of an organism.The speed of this reaction is relatively quick. The body electric is drawn towards nutrition and repelled from toxins. The speed of reactivity is controlled by the speed of ionic exchange; this is the speed of change in metabolic reaction. This speed is approximately one hundredth (1/100) of a second. The SCIO device is calibrated to each individual’s metabolic speed.Measuring the 55 factors at biological speeds of approximately one hundredth of a second requires the computation capabilities of current computers. Computers can perform 400 million calculations per second and thus adequately perform the calculations required for energetic evaluations. In just one screen of an individual (which lasts approximately 5 minutes), the testing process documents over 65 million bits of data. The sophistication of this data and the nature of the fractal and chaos systems make it imperative to use a nonlinear system of analysis. The SCIO algorithms use a fuzzy number mathematic system of Fourier form fit as a basis of analysis. Other systems of numerical analysis are programmed in the device and available as needed. The computer can detect energetic aberrations and repair them automatically. Another benefit of the SCIO is that the system performs without conscious intervention. Neither practitioner nor client has the ability to exert conscious influence over the results, because the SCIO system does not disclose specific testing processes.
The SCIO system can deliver the resonant frequencies of therapies including: electro acupuncture, rife, Mora, Bicom, bioresonance, scalar, color therapy, and neuro linguistic programming (NLP).